It is recommended to avoid treatments in the abdominal zone during menstruation cycle and
immediately before or after it.
Is it possible to use the electrostimulator during lactation?
Until now, no collateral effects regarding lactation have been observed. Nonetheless, during lac-
tation, it is recommended not to stimulate the thoracic region.
Are dermatological diseases (e.g. psoriasis, urticaria) contraindications for electrostimulation?
Yes, do not treat areas affected by dermatological diseases.
When are the first results visible?
Aesthetic results of electrostimulation are always subjective. For Toning program, with a regular
program of 3-4 sessions per week, a noticeable result may be observed after 15 days. For Li-
polysis and Drainage programs, 40 days of treatment are necessary. Results are obtained more
quickly if treatments are combined with good physical activity and a correct life style.
How many sessions can I weekly perform?
For physical training, consult the program of weekly training in the Globus Personal Trainer. For
fitness and aesthetics programs, the number of sessions depends on the type of treatment: 3-4
sessions per week on alternate days are suggested for toning; daily treatments are permitted for
Lipolysis and Drainage programs.