und der festgestellten Produktbesonderheiten dokumentiert werden. Außerdem muss sicher gestellt
werden, dass das Produkt immer optimal gelagert wurde, nie mit Chemikalien, Gasen oder sonstigen
schädlichen Stoffen in Berührung kam und die Gesamtnutzungsdauer während UV-Einstrahlung einen
Zeitraum von 4 Jahren nicht übertraf. Individuelle Kennzeichnungen sollten auf den Labeln oder auf
zusätzlichen Schildern angebracht werden.
10. Kompatibilität
- Schienen und Leitern Fabrikat SKYLOTEC SPEED-HS-50 (Aluminium), nach EN 353-1
- Schienen und Leitern Fabrikat Hailo H-50 (Aluminium), nach EN 353-1
- Die Kombination mit Leitern verschiedener Hersteller ist zulässig, sofern die Funktionsfähigkeit der
Kombination nach EN 353-1 nach gewiesen wurden.
- Für die Verwendung des SPEED-H muss dieser auf der Schienenkennzeichnung erwähnt sein.
- Für Informationen zur Kompatibilität mit weiteren Systemen kontaktieren Sie SKYLOTEC!
1. System components
The SPEED-H fall protection runner is connected to a fixed ladder/rail and provides protection when
climbing. It is to be used exclusively in conjunction with the safety harness suspension eyelet (EN 361)
and is fitted onto a fixed rail (EN 353-1), ensuring safe ascent and descent to high or low workplaces.
2. Functioning principles
The SPEED-H is fitted with an eccentric clamp which is always turned outwards when in home position.
It can be released and moved along the ladder/rail only by lifting or pulling back the catch (Fig. A).
Two mechanisms can stop the downward movement (Fig. 2) by clamping the runner:
- Main catching function - by releasing the pull-back mechanism or during a fall
- Redundant release system through the centrifugal outward swinging of the clamp
The redundant, speed-controlled release mechanism is activated from movements of 4 m/s if the main
catching function fails.
3. Using the SPEED-H climbing protection system
3.1 Fitting the SPEED-H
- Slide the SPEED-H onto the bottom or top end of the guide rail (push the catch upward to make this
easier). The arrow on the name plate of the runner must face upwards. (Fig. 1)
- Test functioning by manually running the SPEED-H up and down the guide rail.
- The device should lock if allowed to travel back down or if it is let go. (Fig. 2)
3.2 Install the SPEED-H by opening the runner
Open the runner to install it at any desired point along the rail profile. Proceed as follows:
- With the left hand, hold the runner in the middle of the plastic grip (Fig. 3)
- Using the thumb of your left hand, push the slide upwards (Fig. 4)
- Pull the runner apart with the right hand as far as possible (Fig. 5)
- Hold the runner sideways and attach one side to the cap profile (Fig. 6)
- Press the runner onto the cap profile and push the catch downwards (Fig. 7)
- Push the runner back together until the slide springs back down automatically (Fig. 8)
- The runner is now installed. (Fig. 9)
- Test functioning by manually running the SPEED-H up and down the guide rail.
- The device should lock if allowed to travel back down or if it is let go. (Fig. 2)
Follow the above procedure in the inverse order to remove the runner.
(ATTENTION: When installing or removing the runner always press the catch upwards and hold in that
3.3 Opening the carabiner hook on the SPEED-H
- Turn the screw lock gate of the self-locking carabiner hook a few millimetres upwards, turn by
90 degrees and push inwards.
- Attach directly to the height protection eyelets of the harness.
- The screw lock gate must lock automatically when released.
- Ensure that you are standing safely on a platform before removing the fall arrester system (behind