8 Warnings
Always wear a helmet when riding.
DO NOT use mobile phone or wear
earphones when operating the KickScooter.
DO NOT ride on public roads,
motorways, or highways.
The KickScooter is for one rider only. DO
NOT carry any passengers. DO NOT carry
a child. DO NOT ride when pregnant.
DO NOT park in open air or outdoors.
DO NOT press the Folding switch
when pushing or lifting KickScooter.
Keep your speed between 3.1–6.2 mph
(5–10 km/h) when you ride through
speed bumps, elevator door stills, bumpy
roads or other uneven surfaces. Slightly
bend your knee to better adjust to
mentioned surfaces.
DO NOT ride the scooter with only one foot
or one hand. DO NOT take your hands off
the foldable handle while riding.