WARNING: To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY
• NEVER allow small children near batteries.
• If battery is swallowed, immediately notify doctor.
Figure 1
2. Set the code for each button and the matching chime.
To operate two different chimes, each push button and the
matching chime must be set to a different code. It is recom-
mended to only change one code position at a time and then
check to see if system is functioning properly.
A. Unplug wireless chime (if applicable).
B. Open the cases and locate the jumpers on both the push
button and chimes (see Figure 2). Note: The push button unit
has two separate push buttons and two sets of jumpers.
C. Each push button and chime has eight different jumper
locations. Jumper positions 1 through 7 are used for setting
the code.
1. Install alkaline type A23 12 volt
push button battery (included).
Remove back of case by pushing
in tab on bottom with a small
screwdriver (see Figure 1). See
diagram inside push button for
correct battery orientation. Note:
If battery is preinstalled, remove
orange battery tab.