3. Head 1 (I/Fig. 8):
Mark the head plate, intermediate plate and compressor
housing with a continuous line using a felt tip pen (M).
4. Head 2 (II/Fig. 8):
Mark the head plate, intermediate plate and compressor
housing with two continuous lines using a felt tip pen (M).
5. Head 3 (III/Fig. 8):
Mark the head plate, intermediate plate and compressor
housing with three continuous lines using a felt tip pen
6. Head 4 (IIII/Fig. 8):
Mark the head plate, intermediate plate and compressor
housing with four continuous lines using a felt tip pen (M).
Marking the various heads helps to avoid incorrect as-
sembly later.
Fig.8: Marking of the pump
Translation of Original Operating and Installation Instruction, KNF
Diaphragm pump N952KTE-W N952KT.29E-W
339866-336533 02/23