1. Important facts about blood pressure and self-
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood flowing in the
arteries generated by the pumping of the heart. Two values, the
systolic (upper) value and the diastolic (lower) value, are
always measured.
The device indicates the pulse rate (the number of times the
heart beats in a minute).
Permanently high blood pressure values can damage your
health and must be treated by your doctor!
Always discuss your values with your doctor and tell them if you
have noticed anything unusual or feel unsure. Never rely on
single blood pressure readings.
There are several causes of excessively high blood pressure
values. Your doctor will explain them in more detail and offer
treatment where appropriate.
Under no circumstances should you alter the dosages of
drugs or initiate a treatment without consulting your
Depending on physical exertion and condition, blood pressure
is subject to wide fluctuations as the day progresses. You
should therefore take your measurements in the same
quiet conditions and when you feel relaxed! Take at least
two readings every time (in the morning: before taking medica-
tions and eating / in the evening: before going to bed, bathing
or taking medication) and average the measurements.
It is quite normal for two measurements taken in quick succes-
sion to produce significantly different results. Therefore we
recommend using the MAM technology.
Deviations between measurements taken by your doctor or in
the pharmacy and those taken at home are quite normal, as
these situations are completely different.
Several measurements provide much more reliable informa-
tion about your blood pressure than just one single measure-
ment. Therefore we recommend using the MAM technology.
Leave a small break of at least 15 seconds between two
If you suffer from an irregular heartbeat, measurements taken
with this device should be evaluated with your doctor.
The pulse display is not suitable for checking the
frequency of heart pacemakers!
If you are pregnant, you should monitor your blood pressure
regularly as it can change drastically during this time.
Microlife BP A6 PC
This monitor is specially tested for use in pregnancy and
pre-eclampsia. When you detect unusual high readings in
pregnancy, you should measure after a short while again
(eg. 1 hour). If the reading is still too high, consult your
doctor or gynecologist.
2. How do I evaluate my blood pressure
Table for classifying home blood pressure values in adults in
accordance with the international Guidelines (ESH, ESC, JSH).
Data in mmHg.
Systolic Diastolic Recommendation
1. blood pressure
< 120
2. blood pressure
120 - 129 74 - 79
3. blood pressure
130 - 134 80 - 84
135 - 159 85 - 99
4. blood pressure
too high
≥ 160
5. blood pressure
The higher value is the one that determines the evaluation.
Example: a blood pressure value of 140/80 mmHg or a value of
130/90 mmHg indicates «blood pressure too high».
3. Important Facts about Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
What is Atrial Fibrillation (AF)?
Normally, your heart contracts and relaxes to a regular beat.
Certain cells in your heart produce electrical signals that cause the
heart to contract and pump blood. Atrial fibrillation occurs when
rapid, disorganized electrical signals are present in the heart's two
upper chambers, called the atria; causing them to contract irregu-
larly (this is called fibrillation). Atrial fibrillation is the most common
form of heart arrhythmia. It often causes no symptoms, yet it
significantly increases your risk of stroke. You'll need a doctor to
help you control the problem.
< 74
Seek medical
≥ 100
Urgently seek
medical advice!