2. 3. CommIssIonIng
After having affixed the roller shutter to the roller
tube, check that when the roller shutter is in the lower
end limit position, the rigid link is correctly positioned
and that the first slat is vertically between the runners
(as per F). If necessary, adjust the number of slats
used to improve the position of the rigid link when the
roller shutter is in the lower end limit position.
Always refer to the manufacturer's size and weight
charts and fitting recommendations for the rigid links
to select those suited to the roller shutter used.
Use at least 2 rigid links to attach the roller shutter to the roller tube.
Switch the power back on.
Press the "Up" button at the control point:
If the roller shutter rises, the wiring is correct and
commissioning is finished.
If the roller shutter is lowered, go to the next step.
Switch off the power.
Reverse the brown wire and the black wire connected to
the control point.
Switch the power back on.
Press the "Up" button to check the direction of rotation.
2. 4. TIPs anD reCommenDaTIons for InsTallaTIon
2. 4. 1. questions concerning the ilmo 40 WT?
The roller shutter is
The wiring is incorrect.
turning in the wrong
The roller shutter is
The wiring is incorrect.
not operational.
The drive is hot.
The control point is not compatible.
The roller shutter
The roller shutter is encountering friction
stops too soon.
when it moves: friction along the runners
and case, interference between the roller
tube and the drive, etc.
The drive has been installed in a new
roller shutter.
The roller shutter
The mountings used are not correct.
does not stop when
it reaches the lower
end limit position.
The roller shutter
The roller shutter locking system in the
does not stop when
upper position is not correct.
it reaches the upper
end limit position.
Images not contractually binding
5061937C003_ilmo_40_WT.indb 28
Possible causes
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Check the wiring and modify it if necessary.
Check the wiring and modify it if necessary.
Wait for the motor to cool down.
Check for compatibility and replace the control point
if necessary.
Check the roller shutter installation and correct any
If the problem continues, restore the drive to its
original configuration.
Restore the drive to its original configuration, see the
section entitled "Restoring the original configuration".
Check that the roller shutter is mounted to the roller
tube using rigid links.
Check that the roller shutter is fitted with end stops
screwed onto the last slat, fixed or removable stops
incorporated in the runners or an end slat acting as
an end stop.
24/10/2014 10:22