Product description
Which nomenclature is used?
System control: Instead of VRC 720
Remote control: Instead of VR 92
FM3 or FM3 functional module: Instead of VR 70
FM5 or FM5 functional module: Instead of VR 71
What is the effect of the frost protection
The frost protection function protects the heating installation
and flat from frost damage.
At outdoor temperatures
Below 4 °C for longer than four hours, the system control
switches the heat generator on and regulates the target
room temperature to at least 5 °C.
Above 4 °C, the system control does not switch the heat
generator on, but it monitors the outdoor temperature.
What do the following temperatures mean?
Desired temp. is the temperature to which you want to heat
or cool the living rooms.
Set-back temp. is the level below which the temperature
in the living rooms does not fall when outside of the time
Flow temp. is the temperature at which the heating water
leaves the heat generator.
Domestic hot water temperature is the temperature to
which the domestic hot water cylinder is to be heated.
What is a zone?
A building can be divided into multiple areas, which are
known as zones. A different requirement can be placed on
the heating installation in each zone.
Examples for dividing into zones:
Underfloor heating (zone 1) and a radiator system (zone
2) are available in one building.
A building is made up of several self-contained residen-
tial units. Each residential unit has its own zone.
What is the circulation?
An additional water pipe is connected to the domestic hot
water pipe and forms a circuit with the domestic hot water
cylinder. A circulation pump facilitates the continuous circu-
lation of domestic hot water through the pipework system
which means that hot water is immediately available, even at
more distant draw-off points.
What is a fixed value control?
The system control regulates the flow temperature to two
fixed temperatures, which are independent from the room or
outdoor temperature. This control is suitable for a door air
curtain or swimming pool heating, for example.
Prerequisites for heating mode
The outdoor temperature must be lower than the temper-
ature that the competent person has set in the MENU |
SETTINGS | Installer level | Installation configuration |
Circuit 1 | OT switch-off threshold: °C function.
In the MENU | CONTROL | Zone | Heating | Mode: func-
tion, you have selected Manual or Time-contr..
Domestic hot water mode is not active.
For the MENU | SETTINGS | Installer level | Installation
configuration | Circuit 1 | Ext. heat demand: function,
the competent person has defined that a signal from an
external control can deactivate the operation of a zone.
The function has enabled the operation of a zone.
For heat pumps, also note the following:
In the MENU | SETTINGS | Installer level | Installation
configuration | Installation | ESCO: function, the com-
petent person has defined that an external signal can
deactivate the heating mode. The function has enabled
heating mode.
For heat pumps that are equipped with the cooling mode
function, also note the following:
The MENU | CONTROL | Cooling for several days
function must be deactivated.
The competent person has activated the MENU | SET-
TINGS | Installer level | Installation configuration |
Installation | Automatic cooling: function. The func-
tion automatically switches between heating and cooling
mode. The function has enabled heating mode.
The competent person has defined the Ext. cooling
mode in the MENU | SETTINGS | Installer level | In-
stallation configuration | HP control module config-
uration | MI: function. A signal from an external control
switches between heating and cooling mode. As long as
no signal is present, heating mode is active.
Prerequisites for the cooling mode
The heat pump is equipped with the cooling mode func-
The competent person has set up the heat pump via the
required functions for cooling mode.
Retroactively setting cooling mode (→ Section 5.4)
In the MENU | CONTROL | Zone | Cooling | Mode:
function, you have selected Manual or Time-contr..
Domestic hot water mode is not active.
For the MENU | SETTINGS | Installer level | Installation
configuration | Circuit 1 | Ext. heat demand: function,
the competent person has defined that a signal from an
external control can deactivate the operation of a zone.
The function has enabled the operation of a zone.
In the MENU | SETTINGS | Installer level | Installation
configuration | Installation | ESCO: function, the com-
petent person has defined that an external signal can
deactivate the cooling mode. The function has enabled
cooling mode.
One of the following conditions must be met:
Operating and installation instructions 0020287900_03