4. Start-up Procedure and Operation
After Every Use:
1. Store milk safely. Cap the milk collection bottle or seal the milk
storage bag, label with date and time, and immediately place in a
refrigerator, freezer, or cooler bag with ice packs.
If the milk collection container will be stored at a hospital or childcare
facility, it's recommended to add your name to the label.
2. Clean pumping area. Especially if using a shared pump, wipe the dials,
power switch, and countertop with a low-level disinfectant such as
Ethyl or Isopropyl Alcohol (70 – 90 %) is recommended.
3. Take apart and inspect the Collection Kits. Remove the breast pump
tubing and set it aside. Separate all the parts that come in contact with
breast/breast milk (for example: Silicone Cushions, Flanges, Membrane
Valves, Diaphragm and Milk Collection Bottles).
4. Rinse Collection Kits. To remove any milk residue, rinse the Collection
Kit parts that come into contact with breast/breast milk under running
5. Clean Collection Kits. As soon as possible after pumping, clean
Collection Kits that come into contact with breast/breast milk in one of
the following ways.
Clean by hand
1. Use a wash basin. Place Collection Kit parts in a clean wash basin
used only for washing infant feeding equipment. Do not place
pump parts directly in the sink because germs in sinks or drains
could contaminate the pump.
2. Add soap and water. Fill wash basin with hot water and add soap.
3. Scrub. Scrub items using a clean brush that is used only to clean
infant feeding items.
4. Rinse. Rinse by holding items under running water, or by
submerging in fresh water in a separate basin that is used only for
cleaning infant feeding items.
5. Dry. Allow to air-dry thoroughly. Place Collection Kit parts, wash
basin, and bottle brush on a clean, unused dish towel or paper
towel in an area protected from dirt and dust. Do not use a dish
towel to rub or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs
to the items. Rumble Tuff also provides a Drying Mess Bag for your
convenience to air dry all Collection Kit parts.
4. Start-up Procedure and Operation
Clean in a dishwasher
1. Wash. Place disassembled Collection Kits parts in dishwasher. Be
sure to place small items into a closed-top basket so they don't
end up in the dishwasher filter. If possible, run the dishwasher
using hot water and a heated drying cycle (or sanitizing setting);
this can help kill more germs.
2. Remove from dishwasher. Wash your hands with soap and
water before removing and storing cleaned items. If items are not
completely dry, place items on a clean, unused dish towel or paper
towel to air-dry thoroughly before storing or use the provided
Drying Mess Bag to air dry all parts. Do not use a dish towel to rub
or pat items dry because doing so may transfer germs to the items.
6. Clean wash basin and bottle brush. If you use a wash basin or bottle
brush when cleaning your Collection Kits parts, consider washing them
every few days, either in a dishwasher with hot water and a heated drying
cycle, if they are dishwasher-safe, or by hand with soap and warm water.
Rinse them well and allow them to air-dry after each use.
7. Tubing
• Wipe the outside of the Tubing with a clean, damp cloth. Avoid getting
water or other fluids inside the Tubing.
• If liquid is found inside the Tubing, rinse the Tubing with clean, hot water.
Hang to AIR DRY COMPLETELY BEFORE USING. Do NOT insert any object
into Tubing.
Store Safely Until Needed
To help prevent germs and mold from growing, allow the clean Collection Kit
parts, bottle brushes, and wash basins to air-dry thoroughly before storing.
Once completely dry, and to prevent contamination during storage, the items
should be stored in a clean, protected area.
• Wash hands. Wash hands well with soap and water.
• Reassemble. Put together the clean, dry Collection Kit parts.
• Store safely. Place reassembled Collection Kit in a clean, protected area
such as inside an unused, sealable food storage bag. Store wash basins and
bottle brushes in a clean area.