3.4.2 The operation for the MIG torch
1. Service the wire feed mechanism at least every time the reel is changed.
·Check the wear of the feed roll groove and change the feed roll when necessary.
·Clean the welding torch wire guide with compressed air.
2. Cleaning the wire guide
Pressure of the feed rolls remove metal dust from the ller wire's surface which then nds its way to the
wire guide. If the wire guide is not cleaned, it gradually clogs up and causes wire feed malfunctions.
Clean the wire guide in the following manner :
Remove the welding torch's gas nozzle, contact tip and contact tip's adapter. With a pneumatic pistol,
below compressed air through the wire guide. Blow the wire feed mechanism and reel housing clean
with compressed air. Reattach the welding torch's parts. Tighten the contact tip and contact tip's adapter
to spanner tightness.
3. Changing the wire guide
If the wire guide is too worn or totally clogged, change it to a new one according to the following
Open the mounting nut of the wire guide which exposes the end of the wire guide. Straighten the
welding torch's cable and withdraw the wire guide from the torch. Push a new wire guide into the torch.
Make sure that the wire guide enters all the way into the contact tip's adapter and that there is an O-ring
at the machine-end of the guide. Tighten the wire guide in place with the mounting nut. Cut the wire
guide 2mm from the mounting nut and le the sharp edges of the cut round. Reattach the torch in place
and tighten the parts to spanner tightness.
Changing the feed roll groove
The feed roller (No.3 in the picture) is factory set for welding ller wires of 08-1.0mm and 0.6mm
diameter on the other side. The feed roller side must be changed if you use 0.6mm thick ller wire.
Threading the ller wire
Threading the ller wire as the follow steps:
Open the reel housing by pressing on the opening button and install the wire reel in such a way that it
rotates counter clockwise. You can use either a diameter 200mm or 100mm wire reel in the machine.
Attach the reel with a reel lock. Unfasten the wire end from the reel, but hold on it all the time.