S8 TIGER X-ray Spectrometer
Network Configurations
The S8 TIGER and the PC must be networked to enable the calibration software suite to communicate
with the device. The S8 TIGER and PC are both equipped with standard 10/100Mbit Ethernet. There
are 4 networking options available, summarized below:
1) Direct connection
In this configuration, the Ethernet cable from the S8 TIGER is simply plugged into the Network Inter-
face Card (NIC) of the PC. After the systems have been started, both devices will obtain an automatic
private IP address (APIPA) and will be able to communicate with each other.
Zero configuration.
Secure (no link to outside world).
Modem cable*
*Modem connected only during remote diagnosis by Bruker AXS Customer
support. Modem may be disconnected during routine operation.
Fig. 1-10:
Direct connection network configuration
DOC-M80-ZXX031 V4 – 02.2010
Unable to use network printers, storage, LIM systems and external
backup solutions.
Ethernet cable
Introductory User Manual