S8 TIGER X-ray Spectrometer
Before the Final Instrument Installation
The completion of the described installation preparation must be executed by the customer. After this
is done, an installation date will be arranged. Bruker AXS Customer Support will finish the installation
of the S8 TIGER only after the customer has confirmed that the preparation is finished.
Please check that the instrument can be transported from the loading dock to the labora-
tory. The larger package for the 3/4 kW version measures 120 cm x 132 cm x 160 cm
(D x W x H) and has a mass of about 510 kg (1 kW version: 120 cm x 110 cm x 160 cm;
490 kg).
When moving the S8 TIGER be aware of your feet concerning moving of the rollers.
Move the S8 TIGER with caution for example on a ramp, concerning to tilting danger.
DOC-M80-ZXX031 V4 – 02.2010
Introductory User Manual