Introductory User Manual
2) Private LAN
This configuration is very similar to Configuration 1, but both devices are plugged into a network hub
or switch. This setup allows other network devices to be used; however, they must also support Auto-
matic Private IP addressing (APIPA).
Zero configuration.
Use of other network devices. However,
only the PC will be able to use these
devices. Additionally, the devices must
support APIPA.
Secure (no link to outside world).
Modem cable*
*Modem connected only during remote diagnosis by Bruker AXS Customer
support. Modem may be disconnected during routine operation.
Fig. 1-11:
Private LAN network configuration
Unable to use network devices that reside on your company net-
work. They may include network printers, storage, LIM systems
and external backup solutions.
Other network
devices (optional)
Ethernet cable
S8 TIGER X-ray Spectrometer
Ethernet cable
DOC-M80-ZXX031 V4 – 02.2010