Installation of the control unit, the safety devices and
accessories must be performed with the power
supply disconnected.
The control unit must be powered by means of a
230 V - 50 Hz or 120 V - 60 Hz power line,
depending on the model, protected by a differential
magnetothermal switch in compliance with legal
Connect the power cables to the control unit L and
N terminals.
The control unit can control one or two
asynchronous AC motors. If the control unit is used
to control only one motor, then this must be
connected to the terminals relating to motor 1.
Connect the cables for motor 1 as follows:
• Opening cable to terminal K3
• Closing cable to terminal K5
• Common return cable to terminal K4
• Start-up capacitor between terminals K3 and K5
Connect the cables for motor 2 (if present) as
• Opening cable to terminal K6
• Closing cable to terminal K8
• Common return cable to terminal K7
• Start-up capacitor between terminals K6 and K8
The control unit provides for the use of a
230V - 40W or 120V - 40W blinker with built-in
Connect the cables to terminals K9 and K10.
This output has a normally-open clean contact relay
which closes for approx. 1 second at the start of an
opening phase. This switch may be used to activate
a courtesy light timer (max. load: 230V - 4 A).
PLEASE NOTE: If there is no timer, the courtesy
light can be controlled using channel 4 of receiver
MR1: bistable or timer programmable channel (read
the instructions for the receiver MR1 thoroughly).
The switch is on terminals K1 and K2.