%yal Sovereign warrantseach PortableAir Conditioner to be free from defectsinmaterial a ndworkmanship, Ourobligationunderthis warrantyis limitedto the repairor
replacementfree of charge whendeliveredto anauthorized%yal Sovereign servicecenter; o f anydefectivepart(s) thereof other thanparts damagedintransit,Thiswarrantyis
ineffectto the originalpurchase_ for a periodof oneyear fromthe dateof purchase andis nottransferable,Thiswarrantyshallapplyonly if the air conditioneris usedon
Alternating Current(AC)circuit inaccordance withthefactory providedinstructionswhichaccompany it,
_or a periodof five yearsfromthe dateof purchase, w henthis %yal Sovereign PortableAir Conditioner i s operatedandmaintained accordingto the instrudionmanualprovided
withthe product %yal Sovereign will supplya replacement c ompressor (parts only) free of charge if the originalcompressor is determined to be defective in workmanship o r
material,f repairbecomesnecessari_ pleasecontactour customerservicecentei:You will beresponsible for all freight insuranceand anyother transportationchargesto get the
unit to our factory or servicecenter:f shippingis required be sureto packthe unit properlyto avoidshippingdamagesaswewillnot be responsible for suchdamages,
Thiswarrantyexcludes and doesnot coverdefects malfunctions o r failuresof yourRoyal S overeign PortableAir Conditioner; causedbyrepairsbyunauthorized personsor service
centers mishandlingimproperinstallationmodification or unreasonable use including incorrectvoltage actsof God or failureto providereasonable and necessary maintenance.
fhis warrantyis in lieuof anyand all expressed warranties.In no eventshall%yal Sovereign be liablefor consequential or incidental d amages. This limitationwouldnot applyif you
liveina locationthas doesnot permitthe exclusion of limitationof incidental or consequential damages, I bis warrantygivesyou specificlegalrights andyou mayalsohaveother
rightswhichvary fromstate to state,