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Accessories Indude
1 Window sliderkit
1 Set
2, Fixture.......................................... 1 Piece
3, Screws . ......................................... 4 Pieces
4 Exhaust h oseconnector................2 Pieces
5, Exhaust h ose................................ 1 Piece
6, Cover . ........................................... / Piece
A, Exhaust Hose and Connector : Fig 1,
1,Attachthethreadednozzlesof Exhaust H oseConne<_or to theend of the exhausthosebyturningclockwise,
2, Repeat f or other end,
B. Attach Hose Fixt-re : Fig 2,
1, Lineup the screwholeson the hosefixtureto thefront d the windowsliderkit.
2, Usingthe 4 screwsprovided,attachthe hosefixtureto thewindowpaneld the sliderkit