In addition to legislation relating to road transport of dangerous goods, in the examination of essential safety requirements provided for
by Directive 2006/42/EC et seq. broader regulatory and legislative references were considered, including the main ones summarised in
the table below:
M.D. 31 July 1934, n. 228
Lgs. D. 81/08
Lgs. D. 106/2009
D.Lgs. 17/2010
Directive 2006/42/EC
Directive 2014/30/EU
Direttiva 2014/35/UE
Directive 2014/68/EU
Directive 2014/34/EU
UNI EN ISO 12100:2010
UNI EN 809:2009
UNI EN 1127-1:2019
UNI EN ISO 19353:2016
EN ISO 13857:2020
UNI EN ISO 13849-1:2016
UNI EN ISO 14120:2015
IEC 60034-5:2020
EN 60204-1:2018
UNI EN ISO 14118:2018
UNI EN 12162:2009
UNI EN ISO 4871:2009
UNI EN ISO 11200:2020
UNI EN ISO 20361:2020
IEC 61000-6-:2016
IEC 61000-6-3:2010
IEC 60529:1989/AMD2:2013/
The framework considered must be considered merely indicative. EMILIANA SERBATOI Srl declines any responsibility with
regard to the consideration of all other laws and regulations applicable to the specific user activity, for whose knowledge
and respect the user has full and exclusive responsibility, in particular concerning safety.
MAN_CTK-HT_Rev.2 del 04.2021
Safety regulations for mineral oils
Implementation of article 1 of law August 3, 2007, n. 123 concerning the protection of health and
safety in the workplace (Consolidated Text on Occupational safety)
Supplementary and remedial provisions of the Decree April 9, 2008 n. 81 concerning the protection
of health and safety in the workplace.
Implementation of Directive 2006/42 / EC
Machinery Directive
Electromagnetic compatibility
Low voltage directive
Pressure equipment
ATEX Directive
Safety of machinery ― General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction
Pumps and pump units for liquids – General safety requirements
Explosive atmospheres — explosion prevention and protection against explosion – Part 1°: Basic
concepts and methodology
Safety of machinery- Fire prevention and protection
Safety of machinery- safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper and
lower limbs
Safety of machinery – Control systems parts related to safety – Part 1: General principles for design
Safety of machinery- Guards- General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable
Rotating electrical machines – Part 5: Degrees of protection provided for rotating machines
Safety of machinery- Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General rules
Safety of machinery- Prevention of unexpected start
Pumps for liquids. Security requirements: procedures for hydrostatic testing
Acoustics — Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — guidelines for the use of basic rules
for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified
Pumps and pump units for liquids – Noise test procedure
Electromagnetic compatibility – Immunity – Immunity for residential, commercial and light industry
Electromagnetic compatibility – Emissions – Emissions for residential, commercial and light
industry environment
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Codes)