in these operating instructions (also called skiascopes) have been manu-
factured for examining the refraction of the eye (refractive error).
Rotation and focusing of the slit and/or spot image may now be effected
2. Function
by the knurled screw.
The slit or spot image may be rotated by 360° by the control. Each angle
3. Rotation
may be directly read from the scale on the retinoscope.
Fixation cards are suspended and fixed on the object side of the retinos-
4. Fixation cards
cope into the bracket for the dynamic skiascope.
The slit retinoscope may be converted to a spot retinoscope by exchan-
5. Slit/Spot design
ging the slit lamp against a spot lamp.
ri-derma® Dermatoskop XL 3,5 V
The ri-derma
dermatoscope described in these operating instructions
1. Intended use
has been produced for early recognition of melanotic skin changes
(malign melanoma).
Focus the magnifying glass by rotating the eyepiece ring.
2. Focusing
Two skin adapters are supplied:
3. Skin adapters
1) Including a scale of 0 - 10 mm for measuring melanotic skin changes,
such as malign melanoma.
article number 10969
2) without scale
article number 10968
Both skin attachments can be removed easily and exchanged.
ri-scope® F.O. bent arm illuminator XL 3,5 V
The bent arm illuminator described in these instructions for use was
1. Intended use
manufactured for illuminating the mouth and pharynx.
ri-scope® F.O. nasal speculum XL 3,5 V
The nasal speculum described in these instructions for use was manu-
1. Intended use