Twin pumps have double hydraulic housing with integrated check valve, which automaticly turns based on flow,
and two separated motors.
Ego 2 (T) slim U pumps communicate with each other and have the following features:
Alternating operation: One pump is operating while the other one is on standby. Pumps switch their
role every 24 hours or when an error occurs on one pump.
Duplex communication connection: Screened cabel with line crossection 2x0.25mm
not longer than 1m must be used for duplex connection. One line of a cabel is connected to COM/0V on
both pumps. The other line of a cabel is: -on one pump (primary pump) it is connected to MAX/DPLX1
and on the other pump (secondary pump) line is connected to MIN/DPLX2. When duplex
communication is used, digital inputs MAX and MIN are disabled.
Ego 2 (T) slim U/C pumps communicate with each other and have the following features:
Alternating operation [default setting] – One pump is operating while the other one is on standby.
Pumps switch their role every 24 hours or when an error occurs on one pump.
Backup operation – One pump operates constantly and the other one is on standby. If an error occurs
on the operating pump the one on standby will automaticly start working. This mode can be set up by
turning off the pump that we wish to be on standby. That is done by holding the
Parallel operation – Both pumps work at the same time with the same settings of constant pressure.
This mode is used when greater flow than one single pump can output is needed. When the first pump
hits its flow limit the second one turns on and compliments the first to reach desired flow. This mode is
activated when we set both pumps to constant pressure mode. Night mode is not recommended in this
mode of operation.
, 90°C resistant and
button for 5 seconds.