set Up
1. Remove the IOPI® device from the carrying case and place on a flat surface.
2. Remove the Connecting Tube from the package and notice that it has two
ends: a female end (plastic tubing) and a male end (metal).
3. Connect the female end (plastic tubing) to the Pressure Port [ ] on the
IOPI® device by sliding the tubing over the metal port as far as it will go.
4. Look at the Tongue Bulb and notice that one end is a blue bulb and the
other end is tubing.
5. Use scissors to cut the seal off
the end of the tubing by cutting
across the package while the
Tongue Bulb is still in its package.
(See image to the right).
6. Insert the metal (male) end of the Connecting Tube only
2 –3 mm into the opened end of the Tongue Bulb tube.
7. Remove the Tongue Bulb from its package to use it with a patient, taking care
not to touch the parts of the Tongue Bulb that go into the patient's mouth.
8. Turn the IOPI® device on by pressing the Power button [ ]. The display will
show 0 (+/- 1 kPa).
Measuring Tongue strength
1. With the IOPI® turned on, push the Peak Mode button [ ]. In this
mode, the LCD displays the highest pressure applied to the IOPI®.
NOTE: When the IOPI® is first turned on, the LCD display shows pressure in a
continuous mode.
2. Press the Peak Reset button [ ]. The LCD display will read "0".
3. Position the Tongue Bulb against the patient's hard palate (see image to the below).
WARNING: hold onto the
stem of the Tongue Bulb.
4. Tell the patient: "Press the Tongue Bulb
with your tongue as hard as you can for
about 2 seconds."
• Visual and verbal encouragement during
the test is acceptable, and helps
some people.
• The 2 second hold time is not important;
it just avoids the question "How long
should I hold it?" when you tell them
to squeeze the bulb.