c) If manual tare is needed, place the load/container on the platter first and press TARE to tare
off the weight. After weight is tared, NET indicator will appear indicating the weight
showing on display is net weight.
To reset Tare Function proceed as follows:
a) To clear auto tare, remove the initial weight/load from the platter and NET indicator will
turn off. Press ZERO(↑) to return to zero weight status if →0← indicator does not appear.
b) To clear continuous tare, remove all loads from platter and NET indicator will switch off.
Press ZERO(↑) to return to zero weight status if →0← indicator does not appear.
c) To clear manual tare, remove everything from platter and press TARE, the NET indicator will
turn off. Press ZERO(↑) to return to zero weight status if →0← indicator does not appear.
3.2 Memory Function
How To Save A Weighing Result To Memory
a) Place a load on the scale and result will show on the display.
b) Wait the Stable signal appears then press M+/MC(←).
c) Weight result is now saved to memory and M+ indicator appears indicating memory
contains data.
d) Remove the load and scale will return to zero weight status.
e) Put on another weight and press M+/MC(←) to save the next weight.
How To Recall A Weighing Result From Memory
a) Press MR(↓) at anytime to recall the total result saved in memory, MR indicator appears
indicating the value shown on display is total result.
b) Result will remain on display for a short while before return to the previous screen.
How To Clear Weighing Result From Memory
Follow the below steps to clear saved data from memory after all transactions completed.
a) Press MR(↓) first to recall the total saved result from memory, the MR indicator will
b) Press M+/MC(←) immediately to clear the memory and M+ indicator will turn off indicating
there is no data in the memory.
3.3 Weighing Mode
Press repeatly MODE(ENT) until display shows the weighing unit set in configuration scale(Fn3).