IR filament sensor calibration (Part 1)
In the following steps, we will calibrate the IR Filament sensor iside the Chimney on
the extruder. Follow the instructions carefully, this part is very important!
Con una llave Allen de 2.5mm, asegúrate de que el tornillo prisionero de la
Chimenea no esté apretado. No lo quites del todo. Mantiene unida la chimenea.
Apriete con cuidado el tornillo de calibración lateral para que la chimenea se
desplace completamente hacia la izquierda.
When tightening the calibration screw, the chimney moves to the left, making
it less sensitive to triggering.
When loosening the calibration screw, the chimney moves to the right, making
it more sensitive to triggering.
Tighten the calibration screw until the chimney moves all the way to the left.
Inserta una llave Allen de 1.5mm en el extrusor. No la empujes hasta el fondo
Make sure you are using the thinnest of the bundled Allen keys; 1.5mm. Do not use
the 2mm one!!
10C. MK3.5 Setup and Calibration
Ensamblaje Original Prusa MMU3