7 Configuration
The behavior of the backhand scanner can be adjusted by means of certain barcodes called configuration
The system parameters to be set can all be adjusted at once using a single barcode. The following system
parameters can be changed.
Settings that affect the scanner unit itself
Proximity sensor
Distance from when an object is detected
Time until the device enters a power saving mode (see
Suspend time
also section 5.5)
Vibration motor
(De-)activation of the vibration motor
(De-)activation of the loudspeaker
Finger switch
Possibility to switch off the device with the finger switch
Type of scanner triggering
Aiming mode: When the button is pressed, an aiming
beam is activated and the actual scanner is only activated
Scan mode
for up to 2 seconds when the button is released
Scanner mode: When the button is pressed, the scanner
lights up for up to 2 seconds
Different transfer speeds of the individual characters to the
HID function
opposite device
Keyboard version
Keyboard types for correct transmission of the data
Possible final character after transmission of a complete
barcode (e.g. carriage return)
Pairing mode
How to establish a connection with the remote terminal
Confirmation signal either after barcode was scanned or
confirmation signal
belated after barcode was transmitted
Capture a barcode
Deactivated: Any barcode located in the area of the scan
Picklist mode
window is captured.
Activated: Only the barcode that is located under the laser
target cross is captured
Section 0 "Individual configurations" shows the structure of the configuration barcode. This knowledge can
be used to create an individual barcode, which is then tailored to your own needs. This is an advantage over
the barcodes in section 7.2, as only one barcode is required for all system parameters. Only one barcode is
scanned in.
Section 7.2 "Standard configurations" shows example barcodes that can be set quickly and easily for setting
possible example variables. To change several different system parameters, scan the corresponding
barcodes one after the other. Only the barcode for "Reset to default values" causes all stored variables to be
HasciSE Set_Brief Overview_Resumen breve_FCC_V1.11
Factory setting of the
scanner manufacturer
10 minutes
Aiming mode
Fast HID
No Suffix
App mode 2.0
Signal after barcode was
16 / 54