iStorage datAshur® PRO
To set the Timeout Lock, please follow steps in the table below.
C with your Admin PIN
1. Unlock the datAshur PRO
GREEN LED will flicker indicating successful Admin PIN entry.
3. Press button number 8 followed by the number 5 button (85)
GREEN and BLUE LEDs continue to flicker together.
5. Enter the length of User Timeout: 0 = 0 minutes (default) /
5 = 5 minutes / 15 = 15 minutes / 99 = 99 minutes etc.
GREEN LED continues to blink.
21. How to disable the Timeout Lock
in Admin mode
To disable the Timeout Lock, please
follow steps in the table below.
2. Press the KEY button THREE times (triple-click)
GREEN and BLUE LEDs flicker together.
4. Press the KEY button once
GREEN and BLUE LEDs will switch to a blinking GREEN LED.
6. Press the KEY button once
RED solid LED will switch to a flickering GREEN LED indicating the Auto-
Lock time out has been successfully configured.
User Manual v1.0