Non-contact forehead thermometer FT 90
7.1 Displaying saved measurements
The device only stores measurements in forehead temperature mode
matically stores the values from the last 60 measurements.
When 60 storage places are exceeded the oldest value is deleted.
The memory can be called up as follows:
• With the thermometer switched on, press and hold the MODE/MEM button for 5 seconds.
The most recent measurement is displayed.
• With each subsequent pressing of the MODE/MEM button, fi rst the storage space num-
ber is displayed followed by the measurement upon release.
• In the upper line, the time and date are displayed alternately.
8. Measuring object temperature / room temperature
If you want to measure an object temperature with this thermometer, switch
to object temperature mode.
• With the thermometer switched on, briefl y press the MODE/MEM button.
The device switches to the object temperature mode .
• Hold the thermometer 0.78"-1.18" from the measuring point. Briefl y press
the Start-measurement button and read the temperature in the display
(fi g. 9).
Measurements taken in object temperature mode are not stored.
. The device auto-
Fig. 9