Regular Service
The components on the motorcycle will be worn or loose during riding. A
regular maintenance will help keep your new bike operating at peak
performance. Lack of regular maintenance can affect the safety and
reliability of your motorcycle and shorten the service life.
Service requirements
Maintain the vehicle as following requirements:
1. Keep the engine clean, without air leakage and oil leakage and easy to
start. Keep the motorcycle with good accelerating performance.
2.Ensure the operation of the clutch flexible, and the clutch can disengage
completely, and combine smoothly, non-skid. The gear shifting lever can
be changed flexibly and accurately without abnormal noise when the gear
shift. The throttle handle can be operated flexibly.
3.Keep the brake lever flexible and meeting the requirements. When lift
the brake, the brake shoe can turn back without the noise of friction.
4. Keep the reliable operation of front and rear shock absorber; correct
pressure for tires and proper operation of all items.
5.Keep all the fasten components tight and keep the whole vehicle clean.
6.Well-lubricated of all parts and there are no leakages.
7.Well connection of the battery.
8.Keep all the tools and accessories with your vehicle and without rust.
...for everyday adventure
Revisión periódica
Durante el uso de la motocicleta se irán desgastando elementos de
esta. Un mantenimiento regular ayudará a mantener su nueva moto
funcionando con buen rendimiento. La falta de mantenimiento
regular puede afectar la seguridad y la fiabilidad de su motocicleta,
acortando su vida ú til.
Requisitos de un buen mantenimiento
Mantener el veh í culo de la siguiente manera:
1. Una motocicleta limpia y un correcto engrasado facilita el correcto
2. Verificar el correcto funcionamiento del cable de embrague, el cambio
debe funcionar de forma suave sin ruidos extraños.
3. Verificar el correcto funcionamiento de los frenos.
4. Verifique el correcto funcionamiento de los amortiguadores y la
horquilla; presi ó n correcta de los neum á ticos y el
adecuado de todos los elementos.
5. Mantenga la impermeabilidad de todas las conexiones eléctricas.
6. Realice una correcta lubricaci ó n en todas partes y verificar que no haya
7. Verifique la buena conexi ó n de los bornes de la bater í a.
8. Mantenga las herramientas y los accesorios listos y sin oxido.
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