Required materials: Degreasing cleaner (e.g. 634A58 isopropyl alco
hol), 636N9 contact adhesive or 636W17 plastic adhesive
1) Measure the distance from the knee rotation point to the desired end of
the foam cover and add the compression allowance: 10 mm for poly
ethylene foam, 30 mm for polyurethane soft foam. For TF prostheses,
add twice the compression allowance because a compression allowance
is needed both above and below the knee axis.
2) Cut the pre-shaped foam cover to length and fit it in the proximal area on
the prosthetic socket.
3) Pull the foam cover over the prosthesis.
4) Set the connecting element onto the footshell or prosthetic foot. Depend
ing on the version, the connecting element engages in the edge or sits
on the foot adapter.
5) Mount the prosthetic foot on the prosthesis.
6) Mark the outer contour of the connecting element on the distal face of
the foam cover.
7) Dismount the prosthetic foot and remove the connecting element.
8) Clean the connecting element using a degreasing cleaner.
9) Glue the connecting element onto the distal face of the foam cover
according to the marked outer contour.
10) Let the glue dry (approx. 10 minutes).
11) Mount the prosthetic foot and adapt the exterior cosmetic cover shape.
Take into account compression due to cosmetic stockings or SuperSkin.
6 Cleaning
Allowable cleaning agent: pH neutral soap (e.g. 453H10 Derma
1) NOTICE! To avoid product damage, only use the allowable clean
ing agents.
Clean the product with clear fresh water and a pH neutral soap.
2) Rinse the soap away with clear fresh water. In doing so, rinse the foot
shell until all dirt has been removed.
3) Dry the product with a soft cloth.
4) Allow to air dry in order to remove residual moisture.
7 Maintenance
► A visual inspection and functional test of the prosthetic components
should be performed after the first 30 days of use.
► Inspect the entire prosthesis for wear during normal consultations.
► Conduct annual safety inspections.