The remote control can be operated from a conventional hand-held device or from a crutch.
Changing between these variations is easily possible at any time.
Simply pull on the plastic tab (Fig. 1) to remove the remote control from the hand-held or crutch
receptacle. Then moisten the seal slightly and push the remote control completely into the crutch
handle or into the casing of the hand-held device.
4 Putting into operation
This section will describe how the E-MAG Control can be activated and how it can be reacti-
vated from the energy-saving mode. The section also explains how the electronic system starts
and which signals the system emits during activation.
The inside cover page of these Instructions for Use features a color overview of these signals.
A table of all possible signals and signal combinations and their meanings is listed in Section
5.1 Possible signal combinations.
4.1 Charging the battery
The 17B200=* system is to be used only with the Battery 317B20. That battery
was developed especially for the E-MAG Control. Both receptacle and lock unit
are designed to fit with the form of this battery.
Before putting the E-MAG Control into operation, read the instructions for the
Battery 317B20 and the battery charger 317L20. Follow the safety instructions!
E-MAG Control
Putting into operation
Ottobock | 23