(the nozzle should be approximately 1 cm from
the surface). As the special coating can be
recognized by its grey-matte colour, the surface
conditioning can be evaluated visually.
3. Silane Bonding Agent:
Any loose abrasive remaining on the coated
surface should be removed by tapping it gently.
Dispense ESPE-SIL into a clean, non-greasy
mixing well and use a clean brush to wet the
surface with it. Allow the highly volatile solution
to dry for approximately 5 minutes and then
apply opaquer.
Please note:
If the ROCATEC-SYSTEM is used regularly, it is
worthwhile purchasing a ESPE ROCATECTOR
DELTA 3-chamber coating-sandblaster for use
Apart from the large, ergonomically designed
blasting chamber and optional dust extractor,
the ROCATECTOR DELTA features all the
functions required for working reliably and
5.3 Designing the Metal Frameworks
The surface to receive the facing should be
designed so that the abrasive particles reach all
areas to be bonded. The framework should be
designed similar to a metal-ceramic framework.
Ensure that all static and dynamic occlusal
contacts are supported by metal. Under these
conditions, the incisal edge of the facing can
often be extended 1–1.5 mm beyond the metal
to improve the aesthetics considerably.
When designing the framework especially with
intermediate links, see to it that there is a uni-
form thickness of layer for facing to maintain an
optimum aesthetic impression.
An incorrectly designed framework or
improperly extended, exposed incisal edge
may cause defects which do not result from
the bonding technique.
If possible, crowns should be provided with
polished metal cervical margins. Trim a shoulder
to accentuate the facing-polished-metal margin.