Test Equipment
A GVIS 400-HDP or GVIS 300 can be used for visual inspection with the Greenlee GVIS software. The GRP 460
power meter can be used to record power (dBm) or loss (dB) measurements.
GVIS 400-HDP Visual Inspection Scope
Plug the GVIS 400-HDP into a USB port of the PC. Power is supplied by the USB port.
GVIS 300 Visual Inspection Scope
Using the supplied USB cable, plug the GVIS 300 into a USB port on the PC. Apply power to the device.
GRP 460 Optical Power Meter
Using the supplied USB cable, plug the GRP 460 into a USB port of the PC. Apply power to the device.
Starting GVIS
Run Greenlee GVIS by double clicking on the GVIS icon on your desktop. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the functions
for each item on the main screen.
Greenlee / A Textron Company
GVIS 300 • GVIS 400 • GPAD 250
Figure 2. GVIS Main Screen – Portrait Mode
4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070