How to replace the electrolyte and the header.
1) Remove the probe from the probe holder
2) Unscrew the header and remove the old electrolyte. Handle it carefully to
avoid damaging the membrane.
3) Clean the Sharp point of the probe using the supplied abrasive paper.
Please do it carefully, without an excessive pressure.
4) Carefully wash the header with tap water and fill it again with new
electrolyte. In case of the header needs to be replaced, discard the used
one and install a new one.
5) IMPORTANT: Remove the silicone ring, uncovering the small hole.
6) Completely screw the header, cleaning the excess of electrolyte, and
place again the silicone ring to its place.
7) Install the probe with the probe holder. Calibrate it after 2-3 hours
3.2.5- NTC/1 Kit temperature water measure on EVOLINKs equipment
The temperature probe kit provides readings of the water temperature. Once
the probe has been connected, the temperature will be displayed in the main
Manual EVOLINK v.5
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