Adjusting the slipping clutch
When you adjust the slipping clutch, the motor must not run. Contact with the moving
parts of the motor could lead to serious injury, death, or damage to the product.
Always turn off the power to the chain hoist before starting to work with the clutch
adjustment tools.
When you adjust the slipping clutch, make sure that you do not touch any of the
moving components. Touching the moving components during the adjustment of the
slipping clutch could cause serious injury or death.
Always turn off the power to the chain hoist before starting to adjust the slipping
1. Attach a load of 125% of the rated capacity of the chain hoist to the hook.
Certain regulations, such as the European EN standard, require only a load of 110%
of the rated capacity for the dynamic testing.
2. Try to lift the load with slow and fast speed.
3. Remove the end cover on the brake side.
For more information, see chapter Removing and installing the hoist covers.
4. Adjust the slipping clutch.
To adjust the slipping clutch, turn the adjustment screw at the center of the brake. To
increase the torque, turn the adjustment screw clockwise. To decrease the torque, turn the
adjustment screw counter-clockwise.
Make sure that you do not over-tighten the adjustment screw. Over-tightening the
adjustment screw can damage the springs of the slipping clutch.
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If the chain hoist cannot lift the load, remove the load. Turn off the power to the chain
hoist. Proceed to step 3.
If the chain hoist is able to lift the load, proceed to phase 3 in step 5.