LED indicator / beeper
Fig.12: 1. L E D in d i c ator
L E D in d i c ator / beeper on t h e tool s h o w s t h e f ollo w ing f un c tions.
Alarm No.
Battery installation
A uto-stop
A nti-reset of
c ontroller
A uto-stop w ith low
remaining battery
O v erload protec tion
O v erh eat protec tion
Motor loc k
Motor f ailure
S w itc h f ailure
A larm f or a long
period of use
A uto-stop w ith f as-
tening c ompletion
Alarm for insufficient
f astening
A larm f or limit of th e
fastening capacity
Maintenanc e alarm
Status of the tool
If the battery car-
trid ge is installed
w ith th e sw itc h
trigger pulled , th e
tool stops to av oid
unintentional start.
The battery power
bec ame low and it is
time to replac e th e
battery cartridge.
The battery voltage
d ropped abnor-
mally for some
reason, and th e tool
stopped .
The battery power is
almost used up and
th e tool stopped .
T h e tool w as ov er-
load ed and stopped .
T ool' s c ontroller
h eated up abnor-
mally and the tool
stopped .
T h e motor h as been
loc ked . A t th is time,
th e tool d oes not
w ork.
T h e tool d etec ted a
motor f ailure. A t th is
time, tool d oes not
w ork.
T h e tool d etec ted a
sw itc h f ailure.
T h e tool h as been
turned on f or a long
time ( A pprox . 3
minutes) .
T h e preset f asten-
ing torq ue h as been
ac h iev ed and th e
tool h as stopped .
T h e preset f as-
tening torq ue h as
not been ac h iev ed
bec ause th e sw itc h
trigger w as released
bef ore c ompleting
th e f astening.
T h e number of d riv e
h as been reac h ed to
your preset number
f or th e maintenanc e.
Status of the LED indicator/beeper
LED indicator
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
L igh ts up in red .
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red quickly.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
Blinks in red and
green alternatively.
L igh ts up in green
for approximately
one sec ond .
L igh ts up in red f or
approximately one
sec ond .
Blinks in red quickly.
Blinks in yellow.
Action to be taken
A series of long
Install the battery
c artrid ge w ith
th e sw itc h trigger
released .
A series of long
Replace the battery
with fully charged
A series of long
Replace the battery
with fully charged
A long beep
Replace the battery
with fully charged
A series of long
R emov e th e c ause
of ov erload , and
th en restart th e tool.
Ask your local
Makita S erv ic e
C enter f or repair.
A series of long
Remove the battery
c artrid ge immed i-
ately and cool the
tool d ow n.
A series of long
R elease th e sw itc h
trigger and pull it
A series of long
Ask your local
Makita S erv ic e
C enter f or repair.
A series of long
Ask your local
Makita S erv ic e
C enter f or repair.
A long beep
R elease th e sw itc h
trigger and pull it
A long beep
R etigh ten th e
f astener.
A series of long
Replace the battery
with fully charged
R eset th e alarm
w ith th e applic ation
sof tw are.