• After finishing the spray application, take a shower with plenty of water
and soap.
• Put on clean clothes
• Após o trabalho, tome banho com água fria e sabão em abundância.
• Troque a roupa
• Después del trabajo, tomar un baño con agua fría y jabón abundantes.
• Cambiarse de ropa
• Les vêtements utilisés pendant la pulvérisation doit être lavé séparément
des autres vêtements de l'usage ordinaire.
NOTE: The clothing used during the application must be washed separate from
other clothes of ordinary use.
NOTA: O vestuário utilizado durante a aplicação deve ser lavado diariamente, sep-
arado das demais roupas de uso cotidiano.
AVISO: La ropa usada durante la pulverización debe ser lavada separada de otra
ropa de uso normal.
• Put 5 liters of water in a bucket and add the chemical product.
• Stir until it becomes a homogeneous mixture.
• Pour the solution into the tank while filling with water
• Coloque 5 litros de água num recipiente e adicione o produto;
• Misture até que se torne uma mistura homogênia;
• Despeje a mistura no tanque do pulverizador e encha o restante com
• Coloque 5 litros de agua en un recipiente y adicione el producto químico
• Agite hasta mezclarlo.
• Coloque la mezcla en el tanque durante el abastecimiento.
• Mettez 5 litres d'eau dans un seau et additionez le produit chimiquet;
• Agitez jusqu'à former une bouillon;
• Déversez le bouillon dans le réservoir pendant le remplissage.
1. Introduction
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS: This manual contains information for the proper
assembly, operation and care of your sprayer. Carefully read and follow the instruc-
tions contained in this manual before using your sprayer.
This equipment was designed for spraying plants protection products approved
by regulatory authorities to be used in knapsack sprayers.
2. Specifications
Net weight
Gross weight
Spray lance length
Hose length
Dimensions (LxWxH mm)
Chemical tank
Filling opening diameter
Working pressure
Nozzle installed
3. Preparing the Product For Use
3.1. Unpacking
Remove from the sprayer carton the following parts:
NOTE: Minimum space needed for use, maintenance and repair is 1,5 m².
NOTE: Carton can be discarded in recyclable waste.
plastic bag with parts
Be careful when taking out the sprayer out of the carton
because the lever is loose and can cause damage or
personal injury. Note that the agitator is loose inside the
tank and must be properly assembly.
XP - 12/16/20
3.5 kg/ 3.6 kg/ 3.7 kg
4.1 kg/ 4.2 kg/ 4.4 kg
600 mm
1350 mm
390 x 160 x 570/ 390 x 190 x 570/
390 x 210 x 580
12 l/ 16 l/ 20 l
100 mm
75 psi (5.1 bar)
Blue adjustable cone nozzle