The ploughs that have been designed for
use with cultivators have been specially
engineered to ensure that a high standard
of ploughing is achieved without overtiring
the operator.
The 180° Scandinavian plough (Fig. 22), is
ideal for ploughing in two directions, e.g. for
ridging or hoeing between rows of vines or
fruit trees.
The depth of the furrow can vary between 15
and 25 cm, according to the terrain. To cut a
deep furrow with these ploughs, the wheels
should be weighted (see wheel ballasting).
This improves plough holding and therefore
enables deeper furrows to be cut.
To compensate for the difference in diameter
between the two wheels, connecting piece
A (Fig.22) between the plough and the culti-
vator is asymmetric.
Therefore, if it is detached from the implement
and turned through 180°, this compensates
for the difference between the two types of
wheel. To obtain good ploughing results, the
surface of the mouldboard must be shiny and
smooth; during the first few hours of plou-
ghing, the paint on the surface may prevent
the earth from sliding off smoothly. Whilst
ploughing, always keep the mouldboard
cable vertical and adjust the ploughing angle
to ensure that a clean furrow is cut. To adjust
ploughing depth, use the front hand lever M
(Fig. 22). This varies the depth of the furrow
that the plough cuts: if it is turned clockwise,
the depth will be increased: on the other
hand, if it is turned anticlockwise, the depth
Fig. 23
will decrease.To adjust the ploughing angle,
use lever L. This controls the lock bolt.
If the plough is not going to be used for some
time, the smooth surface of the plough share
should be oiled to protect it from rust.
The adjustable furrow opener for cultivators
(Fig. 23) has been specially engineered to cut
furrows for sowing and irrigation.
The fact that it is possible to vary the position
of the two flanges (B), enables the furrow
width to be varied from a minimum of 20 to
a maximum of 30 cm.
Hand lever M (Fig.23) is used to vary the
furrow depth from 10 to 20 cm. If working on
extremely hard terrain, the soil will first need
to be broken up before it can be opened.
Better results will be obtained if metal tyres
are fitted.
To compensate for the difference in diameter
between the two wheels, connecting piece
A (Fig. 22) is asymmetrical.
Therefore, if is detached from the implement
and turned through 180°, this compensates
for the difference between the two types of
Fig. 22