13.3.5 process calibration (Cal)
13.3.6 power rail (raIl)
13.3.7 Simulation (SIm)
13.3.8 Safety integrity level (SIl)
9113 TeMpeRaTuRe / ma CONVeRTeR
a process calibration can be made by the end user. a known process
signal must be applied for both low and high end of the input measurement
range. The known input of the applied low end signal must be entered
in the CaL.LO menu and confirmed by pressing OK before removing or
changing the applied signal to the high end signal. The known input of
the applied high end signal must be entered in the CaL.HI menu and
confirmed by pressing OK before removing. It is possible to enable or
disable the use of the latest process calibration.
In this menu it can be chosen if errors in the device are transmitted to the
central surveillance in the pR 9410 power control device.
It is possible to override the actual measured input signal by a simulated
value. Only one channel can be simulated at a time. Leaving either of
the simulation menus, or disconnecting the 4501 device, will disable the
simulation mode and bring the output back to correspond to the actual
measured value. Simulation is not possible in SIL-mode.
See section 14 - Safe parameterisation - user responsibility
Version No. V5R0
Safety Manual