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General Information - Petzl NAVAHO BOD Instrucciones De Uso

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WARNING, an exceptional event can reduce the lifetime of the
product to one single use; for example, if it is exposed to any of
the following: chemicals, extreme temperatures, sharp edges,
major fall or load, etc.
The potential lifetime of Petzl products is as follows: up to
10 years from the date of manufacture for plastic and textile
products. It is indefinite for metallic products.
The actual lifetime of a product ends when it meets one of
the retirement criteria listed below (see "When to retire your
equipment"), or when in its system use it is judged obsolete.
The actual lifetime is influenced by a variety of factors such as:
the intensity, frequency, and environment of use, the competence
of the user, how well the product is stored and maintained, etc.
Inspect equipment periodically for damage and/or
In addition to the inspection before and during use, a periodic
in-depth inspection must be carried out by a competent
inspector at least once every 12 months. This inspection must
be performed at least once every 12 months. The frequency of
the in-depth inspection must be governed by the type and the
intensity of use. To keep better track of your equipment, it is
preferable to assign each piece of equipment to a unique user so
that he will know its history. The results of inspections should
be documented in an «inspection record». This document must
(EN) Carefully read this notice
(FR) Lire attentivement cette
(DE) Lesen Sie diese
Gebrauchsanweisung sorgfältig
(IT) Leggere attentamente queste
(ES) Lea atentamente esta ficha
(PT) Leia atentamente esta
(NL) Lees aandachtig deze
(SE) Läs denna information
(FI) Lue tämä käyttöohje
(NO) Les bruksanvisningen nøye
+ 80°C
+ 176°F
+ 80°C
- 40°C
+ 176°F
- 40°F
+ 80°C
- 40°C
+ 176°F
+ 80°C
- 40°F
+ 176°F
- 40°C
- 40°F
(EN) Temperature
(RU) Температура
- 40°C
(FR) Température
(CZ) Teplota
- 40°F
(DE) Temperatur
(PL) Temperatura
(IT) Temperatura
(SI) Temperatura
(ES) Temperatura
(HU) Hőmérséklet
(PT) Temperatura
(BG) Температура
(NL) Temperatuur
(JP) 気温
(SE) Temperatur
(CN) 温度
(FI) Lämpötila
(TH) อุ ณ หภู ม ิ
(NO) Temperatur
(EN) Drying
(FR) Séchage
(DE) Trocknen
(IT) Asciugamento
30 C
(ES) Secado
(PT) Secagem
30 C
(NL) Het drogen
(SE) Torkning
(FI) Kuivaus
(NO) Tørking
allow recording of the following details: type of equipment,
model, name and contact information of the manufacturer or
distributor, means of identification (serial or individual number),
year of manufacture, date of purchase, date of first use, name
of user, all other pertinent information for example maintenance
and frequency of use, the history of periodic inspections (date /
comments and noted problems / name and signature of the
competent person who performed the inspection / anticipated
date of next inspection). See example of detailed inspection
record and other informational tools available at
When to retire your equipment
Immediately retire any equipment if:
- it fails to pass inspection (inspection before and during use and
the periodic in-depth inspection),
- it has been subjected to a major fall or load,
- you do not know its full usage history,
- it is at least 10 years old and made of plastics or textiles,
- you have any doubt as to its integrity.
Destroy retired equipment to prevent further use.
Product obsolescence
There are many reasons why a product may be judged obsolete
and thus retired before the end of its actual lifetime. Examples
include: changes in applicable standards, regulations, or
legislation; development of new techniques, incompatibility with
other equipment, etc.
(RU) Прочитайте
(EN) Harness
внимательно эту инструкцию
(FR) Harnais
(CZ) Čtěte pozorně tento návod
(DE) Gurt
(PL) Przeczytać uważnie
(IT) Imbracatura
niniejszą instrukcję
(ES) Arnés
(SI) Pozorno preberite to
(PT) Harnês
(NL) Gordel
(HU) Kérjük olvassa el
(FI) Valjaat
figyelmesen a tájékoztatót!
(NO) Sele
(BG) Прочетете внимателно
(RU) Oбвязка
тази инструкция
(JP) 本説明書を良くお読
みく ださい
(KR) 기술 설명서 숙지
(EN) Anchor
(FR) Amarrage
(CN) 仔細閱讀本聲明
(DE) Anschlagpunkt
(IT) Ancoraggio
อ่ า นข้ อ แนะนำ า นี ้ อ ย่ า งละเอี ย ด
(ES) Anclaje
(PT) Amarração
(NL) Verankering
(SE) Förankring
(FI) Ankkuri
(NO) Forankring
(RU) Точка страховки
+ 80°C
+ 176°F
- 40°C
- 40°F
(EN) Storage and transport
(FR) Rangement et transport
(DE) Lagerung und Transport
(IT) Sistemazione e trasporto
(ES) Almacenamiento y transporte
(PT) Armazenamento e transporte
(NL) Opbergen en vervoeren
(FI) Säilytys ja kuljetus
(NO) Lagring og transport
(RU) Хранение и
(CZ) Skladování a doprava
(RU) Сушка
(CZ) Sušení
(PL) Suszenie
(SI) Sušenje
(HU) Szárítás
(BG) Сушене
(JP) 乾燥
(CN) 使干燥
(TH) ทำ า ให้ แ ห้ ง
C715060A (240810)
(CZ) Postroj
(PL) Uprząż
(SI) Pas
(HU) Hevederzet
(BG) Предпазен
(JP) ハーネス
(KR) 안전대
(CN) 安全帶
(TH) สายรั ด นิ ร ภั ย
(CZ) Ukotvení
(PL) Punkt
(SI) Sidrišče
(HU) Fix pont
(BG) Закрепване
(JP) 支点
(KR) 확보점
(TH) สมอ
H 2 O
H 2 O
30 C maxi
H 2 O
H 2 O
30 C maxi
H 2 O
H 2 O
(PL) Pakowanie i transport
30 C maxi
(SI) Shranjevanje in transport
H 2 O
30 C maxi
(HU) Tárolás, szállítás
(BG) Транспорт и съхранение
(JP) 持ち運びと保管方法
(KR) 보관과 운송
(CN) 運輸及儲存
การขนส่ ง และการเก็ บ รั ก ษา
(EN) Maintenance
(HU) Karbantartás
(FR) Entretien
(BG) Поддържане
(JP) メンテナンス
(DE) Wartung
(IT) Manutenzione
(ES) Mantenimiento
(CN) 保養
(PT) Manutenção
(TH) การซ่ อ มแซม
(NL) Onderhoud
(SE) Underhåll
(FI) Huolehtiminen
(NO) Vedlikehold
(RU) Техническое
(CZ) Údržba
(PL) Konserwacja
(SI) Vzdrževanje
Modifications, repairs
Any modification, addition to, or repair of the equipment other
than that authorized by Petzl is prohibited: due to the risk of
reducing the effectiveness of the equipment.
Storage, transport
Keep your harness in a bag or other container to protect it from
exposure to UV, moisture, chemical products, etc.
This product is guaranteed for 3 years against any faults in
materials or manufacture. Exclusions from the guarantee:
normal wear and tear, oxidation, modifications or alterations,
incorrect storage, poor maintenance, damage due to accidents, to
negligence, or to improper or incorrect usage.
PETZL is not responsible for the consequences, direct, indirect
or accidental, or any other type of damage befalling or resulting
from the use of its products.
(EN) Load
(CZ) Zátížení
(FR) Charge
(PL) Obciążenie
(DE) Belastung
(SI) Obremenitev
(IT) Carico
(HU) Tömeg
(ES) Carga
(PT) Carga
(JP) 荷重
(NL) Last
(SE) Belastning
(KR) 하중
(FI) Taakka
(CN) 負重
(NO) Belastning
การรั บ น้ ำ า หนั ก
(RU) Груз
H 2 O
H 2 O
30 C maxi
30 C
+ 80°C
+ 176°F
H 2 O
- 40°C
(EN) Cleaning Disinfection
- 40°F
(FR) Nettoyage Désinfection
(DE) Reinigung Desinfektion
(IT) Pulizia Disinfezione
(ES) Limpieza Desinfección
(PT) Limpeza Desinfecção
(NL) Reiniging Ontsmetting
(SE) Rengöring Desinficering
(FI) Puhdistus Desinfiointi
(NO) Rengjøring Desinfisering
(RU) Чистка Дезинфекция
(EN) Dangerous products
(FR) Produits dangereux
(DE) Gefährliche Produkte
(IT) Prodotti pericolosi
(ES) Productos peligrosos
(PT) produtos perigosos
(NL) Gevaarlijke producten
(SE) Farliga produkter
(FI) Vaaralliset tuotteet
(NO) Farlige produkter
(RU) Опасная продукция
30 C
30 C
30 C
H 2 O
(CZ) Čištění Desinfekce
30 C
(PL) Czyszczenie Dezynfekcja
30 C maxi
(SI) Čiščenje/razkuževanje
(HU) Tisztítás
(BG) Почистване Дезинфекция
(JP) 手入れ方法 消毒
(CN) 清洗 消毒
(TH) ทำ า ความสะอาดโดย
ใช้ ส ารฆ่ า เชื ้ อ
(CZ) Nebezpečné výrobky
(PL) Produkty niebezpieczne
(SI) Nevarne kemikalije
(HU) Veszélyes termékek
(BG) Опасни продукти
(JP) 有害物質
(CN) 危险產品
(TH) วั ต ถุ อ ั น ตราย



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