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Electrolux OXYGEN3 UPRIGHT Serie Manual De Usuario página 21

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_/bur Electlelux cleaner is warlanted
o be free from all defects in material and workmanship
in r_ormal household Lise for a period of two years, rise warlanty
is glanted only to the original purchaser and merr_bers of his or her immediate ho_lsehold.
Ihe war an y is subject to the followir_g plevisions.
This warlanty does no cover parts ef the cleaner tha requile replacemen
ur_der normal _se, such as disposa )le (lust bags, fans, filtels, drive belts, )Irish
>ris les, impellers arid (/eanir%
Any d_rnages or malftlnctior_s causerl by negligence, abel _e, or use not in accordar_ce with the Owner's Guide ae no! covered by
tills warral_ty. [ ikewise, any defects or d _marJes c _used }y Hnauthorized
service or the use of other than GenHine ElectrolL_× parts is not covered.
Electrolux Will, at its option, repair or replace a defective cleaner or cle _r_erpart that is covered b'i d_is warr _r%,.As a matter of wart _r_typolicy, Electrol i)( will riot
lef_ll_d the cons _mer's p _rch _se price.
]o register your warranty, please visi
(Uf:_/\), www.electlol
_xca.corn (Canada) or fill out and leturn the attached warranty registration
]o obtain warlanty
service you must letuln the defective cleanel or cleal_er palts aleng with proof of / urchase te any Ele(:tlolLi)( Aud_olized
Nalran y Sta iors.
For the location of the rsearest Electrolt_x Autholize(l
Warlarsty Station or for service inforn_ation in the United _;tates or Canada, please telephorse toll flee:
',_t>u may
/isiit us online
Any walmnty
tha may be ir/_plierl in connection
with yot_r p irchase el _se of the cleaneh including
any warlan_y of Merchanb_bili y _ any warlanty
for Fitness Fol
A Partic liar Purpose is limited to the d_ration of this wart _nty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied w _rranty lasts, so the _bo\/e limit _dorls
may riot apply to yo_h
_f:our relief for he bleach of his war[anty
is limited to the relief e)(pres _ly pr(:vide:l abo_,/e. In ne event shall Electrolux be liable for ;_ny consequential
c[ inciden al
damages yo_ may incw in (onnection
with your p _(.ha_-,eo_ us(, of the cleaner. _ome states do not alkw the exclusion or limitation of incident _1or ('or_sequer]tial
dama ]es, so tile above Iin'fitation or ex(I _sion n/ay not apply o you.
I his w lrlanty gh/e_ yot_ spe(ific
le!:lal dghts You may also hale other rights which vary by state.
Please registe[ your new I- lectrolux borne care prod _ct elect onically b'f visiting
wvvvv, e l(_ct[oluxusa,com
(_}SA) or wwvv,
_e the at ached )ostageopa[d card.
Regi_-ter[ng your new Electlolux
prod xt entities yoH to the n/ost up4o-date
ElectroIHx plod_lct wananty and [ ronlot[on
If you re
legi_terlng your pr(dH(t
in tile United States, we are offering you a spe( ial orle time promodorlal
offer. Sign up for any Electrolux DirectCare subscription
plogranl within the r_ext 30 days _nd receh/e one additional shi[ rnent of repla :enlerlt produ(ts
st rio charge. Elec_rolux Direc Care is the program that ships
_epl _ceme ¢ prodHcts direc ly to vour home to er_s_re tha yo[_ ahivays hwe the fight p_od_K:b o_ h}r_d to m }ximize d_e perforr_ _l_ceof your cleaning product.
[o sign l.ll: for the promotiorlal
oriel, simply i'-e tile followil_ ] code whel_ placing your Electrolux DirectC ire order: DCPR. fo lelm more a)olt
Electrol _)( DirectCare
or to [}lace yoHr ordel today, call 1-80() 896 97:_6 or \/isit us online at www.electrolluxusa

