=- Indicates FILTER key on.
>- The equipment is in the 500 V - steps test voltage. The fast selection keys are
enabled, too.
?- The equipment is in the 100 V - steps test voltage. The fast selection keys are
enabled, too.
@- Indicates that the BATTERY CHARGER is in operation. During the charge, it
flashes in red, turning to green when the battery reaches the total charge, and it
continues like this as long as the charger is connected to the mains.
A- Keys 7 and 8 enable the equipment Operation Mode selection.
B- MEM function is on. The displayed value is frozen.
C- Keys 7 and 8 enable the Resistance Limit selection for the "Pass-fail test".
D- The PRINTER is on (the measured values are printed to paper).
E- Indicates HIGH VOLTAGE presence in the output terminal. It keeps lit until the
internal as well as external equipment capabilities are discharged by the same
F- Indicates that the selected voltage is 500 V.
G- Indicates that the selected voltage is 1 kV.