The display of dive profi le information is updated automatically every two seconds,
showing the progress of the dive time, and stops when it reaches the end of the
profi le. After each update the indication "DIVE.T" fl ashes. To move to the next
dive, press the "select" button.
(most recent) 30 > 29 > ... > 2 > 1 (less recent) > 30 (most recent) > 29 > ...(cycle
starts over)
When you move on from the information for one dive to the next, the fi rst screen
of the new series of Logbook data will be displayed.
To move quickly through dive information to the next dive, hold down the "select"
button. When advancing quickly, the computer pauses momentarily when it
reaches the data for the oldest dive (N 1).
You can momentarily stop the sequence by pushing the "light/set" button.
Figure 13