3.1. General instructions
The locations of the main electrical panel components are shown below.
Power supply
24Vca tranformer
PV String1 supply
PV String2 supply
EPS output
Grid supply
Protection fuses
Protection fuses
Illustration 3.2. Location of the components in the electrical panel.
A series of elements in the installation are controlled from the e-system electrical panel,
some are internal and other are installed externally. The internal components are wired
to the electrical panel in the factory. Depending on the installation, in addition to the
power supply and communication with the heat pump, it may be necessary to connect
external control signals (digital inputs DIxx), on/off switching of non-critical loads (digital
outputs DOxx) or even other communications with external devices (BMS2 port).
3.2. PV field input
For the correct operation of the e-system, it will be necessary to connect the
photovoltaic fields as well as the grid input/output to the inverter through the electrical
panel. The panel also includes an EPS output connection for the loads that need a
battery backup in case of blackout.
The hybrid inverter which includes the e-system has two string inputs with an
independent MPPT tracker each one. This allows up to two different configurations of
photovoltaic fields to increase the overall performance of the installation. The maximum
Installer manual ecoSMART e-system
DOxx block
Digital outputs to relay
DIxx block
Digital inputs
Communication ports
Main switch
Controller fuse
PCOEM+ controller
Serie/Ethernet gateway