1. Activate the required method using the "Method" soft key.
Description of the preset methods:
Fig. 8 - 1
Density nc:
OIML w/w:
OIML v/v:
Crude oil:
Fuel oil:
Blank meth:
2. Ensure that the measuring cell is clean and dry.
3. Fill the sample into the measuring cell.
Screen: Current method
Measurement of density and specific gravity including
viscosity correction.
Measurement of density and specific gravity not viscosity
Measurement of Brix concentration at 20 °C, density and
apparent density with viscosity correction.
Measurement of ethanol concentration in % by weight at
20 °C according to the OIML table ITS-90.
Measurement of ethanol concentration in % by volume at
20 °C according to the OIML table ITS-90.
Measurement of ethanol concentration in % by volume at
60 °F according to the AOAC table, and Proof degrees (USA).
Measurement of density viscosity corrected, API density, API
number and SG API of the product group crude oil at any
temperature corrected to 15 °C. For selecting 60 °F as the
reference temperature activate this option in "display
configuration", "edit configuration". For the settings of
memory and printer, follow the same procedure.
Measurement of density viscosity corrected, API density, API
number and SG API of the product group fuel to heating oil at
any temperature corrected to 15 °C (see crude oil).
Measurement of density viscosity corrected, API density, API
number and SG API of the product group lubricants at any
temperature corrected to 15 °C (see crude oil).
This method does not contain any settings.
8 Measurements