GB ©Stanley Bostitch. Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this
document do not constitute CE compliance for the products.
A. Remove the magazine from the tool
F ©Stanley Bostitch. Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées
B. Using a pair of pliers, remove the jammed staple
de ce document ne signifient en rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
C. Refit the magazine
D ©Stanley Bostitch. Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte
Kopien dieses Dokuments erfüllen nicht die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
m CAUTION: Repair, modification and inspection
of BOSTITCH Power Tools must be carried out by a
NL ©Stanley Bostitch. Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige
BOSTITCH Authorised Service Center.
kopieën van dit document willen niet zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
The Parts List supplied with this tool will be helpful if
DK ©Stanley Bostitch. Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument
presented with the tool to the BOSTITCH Authorised
Service Center when requesting repair or other
udgør ikke CE overholdelse for produkterne.
SF ©Stanley Bostitch. Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt
kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille CE-yhdenmukaisuutta.
G ©Stanley Bostitch. Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη
εξουσιοδοτημένα αντίγραφα του παρόντος εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για
τα προϊόντα.
Skipping fasteners/
intermittent feed
I ©Stanley Bostitch. Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo
documento non garantiscono la conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
N ©Stanley Bostitch. Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette
dokumentet oppfyller ikke kravene for CE-merking for produktet.
Fasteners jam in the tool
P ©Stanley Bostitch. Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas
deste documento não estão em conformidade com a CE para os produtos.
E ©Stanley Bostitch. Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este
documento no suponen la conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
Slow drive speed or
S ©Stanley Bostitch. Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este
documento no suponen la conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
Poor clinch
PL ©Stanley Bostitch. Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia.
Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE
Multiple fasteners driven
prezentowanych produktów.
at once
CZ ©Stanley Bostitch. Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia.
Staple is only clinching
the top layer of corrugate
Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE
prezentowanych produktów.
Loose clinch
SK ©Stanley Bostitch. Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto
dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE pre dané výrobky.
HU ©Stanley Bostitch. A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül
sokszorosított dokumentum nem jelenti a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
Loose magazine
Fasteners out of spec.
Dirt/debris in the magazine
Dirt/debris in the drive channel
Wrong size fasteners
Bent fasteners
Broken/chipped driver
Worn pusher
Loose magazine
Fasteners out of spec.
Dirt/debris in the magazine
Dirt /debris in the drive channel
Worn/damaged pusher spring
Discharged Battery
Depleted Battery
Cardboard too thick
Wrong leg length setting
Worn driver guide
Broken/bent clinchers
Loose magazine
Depth setting too shallow
Fasteners are too short
Cardboard too thick
Clinch setting too loose
Fasteners are too long
In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the
safety regulations and standards prescribed in each
country must be observed.
BOSTITCH tools are constantly being improved and
modified to incorporate the latest technological
Accordingly, some parts may be changed without prior
Re-engage the magazine release lever
Replace with recommended fasteners
Clean and dry the magazine
Clean the drive channel
Replace with recommended fasteners
Discontinue using these fasteners
Replace driver
Replace pusher
Re-engage the magazine release lever
Replace with recommended fasteners
Clean and dry the magazine
Clean the drive channel
Replace pusher spring
Recharge battery
Replace battery
Reduce cardboard thickness
Set leg length according to clinchers and fasteners
Replace the driver guide
Replace clinchers
Re-engage the magazine release lever
Set the tool to a deeper drive setting
Replace with longer fasteners
Reduce cardboard thickness
Adjust the clinch setting tighter
Replace with shorter fasteners