Pay special attention to the protection of oil pipe joint:
- Lead the high-pressure oil pipe out from the main lift solenoid valve in the control cabinet and then connect it to the hydraulic cylinder of
the main lift through the PVC pipe as per the numbers of oil pipes (for details, see the Oil Circuit Connection Diagram).
- Lead the oil pipe of the sub lift out from the sub lift solenoid valve and then connect it to the hydraulic cylinder of the sub lift via the
PVC duct along the connecting rod (Fig. 10). During connection, the oil pipe joints shall be wrapped to prevent any foreign matter from
entering the hydraulic circuit.
- When connecting the oil pipes, be careful about the serial numbers of oil pipes and do not mistake them. For standard installation, the
control cabinet is located on the left of vehicle-entering passage. If it is located on the right, please adjust the corresponding oil pipes (the
5# pipe is exchanged with 6# pipe, 7# pipe with 8# pipe, and 1# pipe with 4# pipe). Only authorized and qualified technicians are allowed
to conduct the installation.
- Connect the Ø8×6 compressed air intake pipe to the intake port of the duplex oil-water separator in the control cabinet (Fig. 14).
- Lead the Ø6×5 compressed air pipe out from the air outlet of the pneumatic solenoid valve of main lift (Fig. 14) and then connect it to
the uplifted-pawl air valve of the main lift (Fig. 14) according to the Pneumatic Circuit Connection Diagram.
- Lead the compressed air pipe of the sub lift out from the pneumatic solenoid valve of sub lift to uplifted-pawl air valve of the sub lift via
the PVC pipe along the connecting rod. When passing through the PVC pipe, the air pipe joint shall be wrapped to prevent any foreign
matters from entering the compressed air circuit.
- Fill the oil cup of (provided by the user) duplex oil-water separator before connecting the compressed air pipe to the control cabinet, so
as to extend the service life and action reliability of pneumatic components.
- The air pipe of the main lift shall be connected on the side close to the cabinet. Hydraulic/air pipes passing through the PVC pipe shall not
be bended or knotted, for fear of clogged or blocked pneumatic circuits. Before leading the compressed air intake pipe to the air intake
port of the pneumatic solenoid valve in the control cabinet, fill the duplex oil-water separator to separate the compressed air so as to
prevent the failure of pneumatic unit.
Fig. 10
To main scissor air
Fig. 14 (Cylinder Connection)
Fig. 11
To the sub scissor