4.6. Select the user
This blood pressure monitor is designed to store 99
measurements for each of two users.
Before taking a measurement, be certain that
the correct user has been selected.
• User 1: slide the user switch upwards to the
User 1 icon
• User 2: slide the user switch downwards to the User 2 icon
4.7. Select measuring mode: standard or
Microlife Averaging Mode (MAM)
This instrument enables you to select either standard
(single measurement) or measurement averaging
mode (automatic triple measurement).
a) To select Standard mode, slide the switch on the
side of the instrument upward to Position "1."
b) To select Averaging mode, slide the switch
downward to Position "3." Note the "MAM" icon
will appear on the display.
If you select 1, then only one measurement will be
taken. If you select 3, the unit will inflate and deflate
three times resulting in one final average.
4.8. Microlife Averaging Mode (MAM)
• In Microlife Averaging Mode (MAM), three measurements are automati-
cally taken in succession and the result is then automatically analyzed
and displayed. Because your blood pressure constantly fluctuates, a
result determined in this way is more reliable than one produced by a
single measurement.
• After adjusting the switch as described in section 4.7, the selected
Microlife Averaging Mode appears in the display as the MAM symbol.
• The bottom, right-hand section of the display shows a 1, 2 or 3 to
indicate which of the 3 measurements is currently being taken.
• There is a resting period of 15 seconds between measurements. An
hourglass will appear during this period.