Memory Erase
Press memory button and hold it down more than
3 seconds to erase the readings of the selected records.
Error Indicators
Possible Sources of Errors
Indication: Incomplete inflation
Correction: Check if the cuff is firmly connected to the device.
Indication: Cuff over-inflated and released automatically
Correction: Take a break, reposition the cuff and remeasure
Indication: Could not obtain the pulse rate
Correction: Reposition the cuff and remeasure
Indication: Strong electromagnetic interference (mobile phone or computer)
Correction: Relax, take a break and remeasure
Indication: Irregular pulse rate or blood pressure
Correction: Relax, take a break and remeasure. If the pulse rate or blood
If the Er message is still there, request a repair
pressure continues to be irregular, consult your doctor or
health care professional