Tighten the unit carefully in this position, as the metal body of the distributor serves also as
the 'minus' – pole for the electronics.
STEP 4 : Turn the ignition-key off. Connect the black wire to the negative terminal of the coil.
Make sure all your electrical connections are secure, a bad connection can cause a major
problem in the future !
Remember you have put the engine to TDC for cylinder number one ? Well, the new rotor still
points to cylinder number one, so, connect the high-voltage cables accordingly !!
Tidy up everything carefully, e.g. use tie-wraps. Keep low-voltage wiring well away from high-
coltage leads.
STEP 5 : At this point you can start your engine.
For ultimate precision, you best use a stroboscope for accurate time-setting. Best practice
( and optimum precision ) is to select curve '0' and check for a total advance of 28 degrees
above 3000 rpm.
Check the advance-curve table to find the correct values for other curve-settings.
Fire it up and enjoy your 123ignition !