4.4.3 MAC Clone
The WAN port of repeater has a unique MAC address assigned by
manufacturer; it called as "Default MAC". The "Clone MAC" is used for some
special situations; For example, ISP only allows certain MAC address to
access the Internet, thus you can modify your WAN port's MAC address in
accord with the requirement of ISP, avoiding ISP's detection.
4.4.4 Port Settings
Here you can set the repeater's WAN and LAN interfaces work at 100M
duplex,100M half-duplex,10M duplex and 10M half-duplex communication
4.4.5 IGMP Proxy
Here you can set the IGMP Proxy 'Enabled' and 'Disabled'.
4.5 Wireless
4.5.1. Wireless Settings
This section provides basic configuration
items for wireless repeater users, including
"wireless network status", "SSID", "Radio
Band", "Radio Mode", "MAC", "SSID
broadcasting", "Channel width", "Channel
sideband", "Region" and "Channel" several
basic configuration items.