Simultaneous disconnection and drop in oxygen
pressure will initially set off only the < 2.7 bar alarm.
Stenosis alarm
Actual ventilation pressure exceeds the maximum
ventilation pressure (20 or 45 mbar).
MEDUMAT Easy briefly switches to expiration if the
maximum ventilation pressure is exceeded, but then
tries to continue inspiration in the same inspiration
If the maximum ventilation pressure is exceeded for
a second time during the same inspiration phase, the
unit finally switches to expiration and vents the pa-
tient tube system completely. The next inspiration
begins with the following ventilation stroke accord-
ing to the frequency selected. This does not affect
the set frequency.
The alarm is set off if airway resistance is exceeded
successive inspiration phases. This is intended
to prevent false alarms, e.g. due to coughing.
If audio response is enabled, the unit announces
"Check airways and minute volume" (from serial
number 8000 and following repair/servicing/firm-
ware update: "Check airways and settings").
Disconnection alarm
As a rule this alarm is due to interruption of the
breathing system.
The alarm is set off when the rise in pressure fails to
reach at least 8 mbar in
successive inspiration
If audio response is enabled, the unit announces
"Check ventilation system and settings".
Using the ventilator