The MEDUCORE Easy is one of the safest devices in its
class. Nevertheless, misinterpretation of car- diac
rhythms cannot be ruled out completely.
Disconnect other medical devices which are not defi-
brillation-protected from the patient whilst using the
The device is not defibrillation-protected. It is there-
fore essential to remove the electrodes of the
MEDUCORE Easy from a patient's chest if other defi-
brillators are to be used. If this instruction is not fol-
lowed, the MEDUCORE Easy could be damaged.
Ensure that the electrodes are in firm contact with the
patient's skin. If this instruction is not followed, air
trapped between the skin and the defibrillation elec-
trodes may lead to burns.
Never change the battery/rechargeable battery pack
while the device is preparing a shock ("Preparing to
shock." ) or when it is ready to give a shock ("Press the
flashing shock key!"). If you do so, you could damage
the device.
Never use electrodes which look damaged, whose
packaging is damaged, or whose expiry date has
passed. If this instruction is not followed, malfunc-
tions may occur causing injuries to users and patients.
Replace the electrodes during use of the device if they
are damaged, for example by vigorous chest compres-
sions. If this instruction is not followed, malfunctions
may occur causing injuries to users and patients.
Defibrillation electrodes WM 40116 cannot be re-
used. Replace the electrodes with new ones immedi-
ately after use. Use only defibrillation electrodes
WM 40116 obtainable from Weinmann. If other defi-
brillation electrodes are used, Weinmann accepts no
responsibility for any injuries or damage to the device
which may be sustained.
Safety instructions